Monday, August 10, 2009


Good news my praying friends. Ellen, my aunt that Andria ha been having you pray for, saw her eye doctor on Friday. The news is not as bad as she had feared. The hole has closed but it will take the bubble they put behind it about another month to 6 weeks for it to disapate. This doctor told her though that if the last doctor that did this had used a larger bubble for the surgery that she probably would not have had to go through this again. She is up, no more hanging her head. So, she is still healing and much in need for each of us to PRAY PRAY PRAY. Keep it up dear friends, our prayers are being answered. AMEN


  1. Thanks be to the One Who hears our prayers. That's great that she can be up again after a very uncomfortable stage in her healing process. God bless.

  2. Awesome! I will repost this tomorrow, too.

  3. Forgot to tell you. U have an award at arise 2 write. I ran out of steam before I posted all the links, but I definitely want you to have it to. You are a great buddy and an awesome encourager. This blog is going to help so many others as you grown in your own journey!

  4. I am praying that your aunt continues to heal and while doing that she won't require another surgery because this one will correct itself and she won't have to lay face down any longer unless she so desires to do so.

    That is great news and I love that you shared this prayer request update with all of us.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  5. Praise the Lord! THIS is great news! and we will continue in prayer for her!!
    Thankyou so much for updating us....please give her my love and tell her Still praying

  6. Just stopped by from Andrea's page to let you and Ellen know that we're still praying for Ellen!

    So glad to hear the great news. =0)


  7. Many thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Blessings,
